Tuesday, June 29, 2010

June 29, 2010

(Fran, backwards) 

9, 15, 21 of:

Pull ups
Thrusters, 65#


**Gotta love "Backwards Tuesday" at the box!

Used the blue band for pull ups...my kip (on the band) is looking & feeling GREAT! I'll be losing the band very soon, I can feel it. As for thrusters, RX was 65# but I did 55# due to shoulder tenderness from yesterday's C&J poor form.

June 28, 2010


Amrap in 20 minutes of:
Row 500m
10 clean & jerk

**My form on the C&J stinks. During skills practice, I hurt my right shoulder due to poor form...so I went from doing 75# down to just the women's bar. Talk about crappy.

6 rounds + 430m

Sunday, June 27, 2010

June 27, 2010


Box is closed on Sundays, so it's always a rest day...at least until we get the garage finished & our equipment all set up in there :)

Definitely feeling yesterday's WOD today. My butt and shoulders are screaming, but I won't complain about that--gotta love a firm booty and strong, sculpted shoulders.

Must do a stats update very soon--maybe tonight after hubby gets home, I can get him to take a picture & measurements so I can update my progress.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

June 26, 2010


400m Sprint
400m Sprint backwards
100m Burpee Broad jump, then:
21, 15, 9 of:
Push ups
Finish with:
400m Sprint
400m Spring backwards

**Subbed 100m lunges for Burpee broad jumps due to knee pain.


Friday, June 25, 2010

June 25, 2010


June 24, 2010


Max rounds/distance in 20 min:
2 person team:  1 person runs 400m the other rows for distance until the partner returns, then you switch.  Keep going for 20 min.  Your rounds x distance rowed = your score.  The person on the rower cannot start rowing until their partner leaves on the run.

**Teamed up with Kat because we're both injured--I can't run (very well) due to my knee and she can't run OR row very well due to her hammies being ripped out of her butt. Poor thing!

Anyway, we ran 4 rounds x 3936m for  a total score of 15,744

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Where Do You Train?

Found this on Practice Crossfit's website and LOVED it!

When you're questioned about where you workout at, what do you say to explain CrossFit? Try some of these the next time someone asks:

-I train in a box. It has walls...sometimes. Sometimes we go outside. Sometimes we meet elsewhere. Its not the location I value, its the people.

-I train in an open space, because bars and my training partners fly everywhere. There is not equipment in the way, only my friends near me as we all struggle together, and are rewarded all the same.

-I train in a warehouse with no air conditioning and big garage doors. If you didn't know where it was, you would never find it. There is no sign outside. The signs of training are all inside, working, or helping one another.

-I train where advertising is sacrilege. I train where I am a walking advertisement.

-I train with people I truly enjoy, and would do anything for, not where I need to put ear phones in to block out all the annoying banter. When we go, we hear yells, trainers instructing, or loud ass music making us go even harder...not elevator bullshit. Real music.

-I train in a place where if I am negative, I will be addressed by at least one person about my stupid ass attitude, and if I am unlucky enough on that day, I may be asked to leave, and come back when Im better, because I am effecting the core by my stupid ass baggage that is meant to be burned at the door.

-I train where if I want to keep my shirt on I can....but there are no rules saying I have to. Where I train if someone disrobes to any level, wears short ass shorts, or is quasi naked after a WOD thats fine...no attention will be paid, because its all about the training, not about meat markets. If you want a pick up joint, look elsewhere.

-I train where Im valued and truly appreciate for showing up and putting forth true, real, demanding effort. 

-I train where I am judged on my movements and attitude everyday. Not because my friends are assholes, because they truly want to make me better at life, and want success for me not injury. A piss poor performance means someone will care enough to help me make it better, and find out why it happened to begin with.

-I train in a place void of gossip. Rumors are unwelcome at all times and if I was stupid enough to ever spout anything negative, or even just not positive about one of my training partners, or any other training location for that matter, I would be crucified on the spot, by any and all in ear shot. Drama queens are eaten alive where I train.

-I train where everyone applauds when I do well, and I applaud for them.

-I train where justification is lucifer, and honesty is gospel. For if I lie, I only fail myself. 

-I train where I am confronted everyday by food Nazis who wont allow me to eat shit and call it gold. Where I train we call bad, bad, quality, quality and everything in between sub-par. Where I train life happens, the difference is, here I have to confront my downfalls and improve not hide them away for tomorrow.

-I train to be better at life. The unknown and unknowable. To one day be able to help someone less fortunate than I. To be able to be moving on my own when I'm old and gray, not being moved.

-I train because I want the mirror to be an outward reflection of how I feel inside, which is pretty damn good, and I want it to stay that way.

-I train because laziness sickens me, and preventable disease is exactly that...preventable through effort, not medication.

-I train to be different than those before me. To go out swinging, not resting. To live valiantly, not cowardly.

-I train where the floor could double as a pool at times because people actually work hard. I don't care, that's how it should be.

-I train with football players, grandmas, kids, housewives, doctors.

 -I train with people of every walk of life, and if I cared about status...someone would make me leave.

-I train where education daily is paramount, and if I'm not a constant student, I will fail quickly.

-I train where we are all equal, because we truly are. The only thing that separates people is the attitude to believe this is true or not. The ones who believe they are better than others, are so much better....they aren't allowed to train with me.

-I train with people that make my day better.

-I train in a place where I want to be, not a place I feel I have to be.

-I train under expectations. Expectations to be better than yesterday. 

-I train in a community dedicated to the whole. The success of the many. this is the reason we all change and progress so fast. Where I train its not about "I"....its about "us."

I train....what the hell do you?

Please excuse the language...but if you know CF, then you know it's all just part of the culture.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

June 23, 2010


 5-5-5-5-5 of Overhead Squats


**I hit my PR for OHS today...100#!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

June 22, 2010


10-20-30-40-50 for time of:
Sit ups
Double unders

**Used an AbMat & my lower back got jacked! Raw & red & bloody mess...need to use a mat UNDER the AbMat next time, too! Did 3 single unders per double under (since I can only string a few together at a time right now). So my single unders were 30-60-120-150. Ouch.


June 21, 2010


21, 15, 9 for time:
SDHP 65#
Box Jump 20"
400m run

**I did 55# SDHP, but probably could have done 65#. I also rowed instead of ran because my knee is starting to act up again and I don't want to push it.

17:something (I forgot)

Sunday, June 20, 2010

June 20, 2010

Still sick AND the box is closed.

Going to give it a go tomorrow & see how I'm feeling.

June 19, 2010

Still sick...

Friday, June 18, 2010

June 18, 2010


But not because it was time. I'm trying really hard to do the 3 on/1 off workout cycle, but it seems my body has other ideas for me. I've felt my body battling a bug for the last week, but I've been pushing through my workouts & trying to flush it out of my system with sweat, water & clean foods.

Well, I woke up this morning with a throat so sore it was almost swollen shut, a nose goes between the extremes of either so stuffed up I can't breathe, or so runny I have to have Kleenex in hand at all times, and an overall achey body. Not sore muscles achey, but sick achey.

Looks like it's a rest day today. Hoping I'm feeling a little better tomorrow so that I can get in there and get my WOD on.

In the 8 days since I joined CFO, I have done 5 WOD's. I've been eating super clean (except for that Jack In The Box last week...oops!) and my body is responding insanely well! Every morning when I look in the mirror, I see more muscles, more definition and I feel stronger. So excited to see where I'm at in a month from now!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

June 17, 2010


5 rounds of 7 reps:
Power clean
Front squat
Push press
Back squat
Push press

Rest between rounds as needed. Do not drop the weight to rest or re-grip during the round, or it's a FAIL.


Wednesday, June 16, 2010

July 16, 2010


Today was a much needed rest day. It took everything in me not to jet over to the gym for a nice WOD, but I listened to my body & knew that I would only be doing more harm than good by going in today.

Dying to see what tomorrows WOD entails...argh. I love and I hate CrossFit all at the same time!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

June 15, 2010


9, 15, 21 reps of:
Ring push-ups
KB swings 1 pood (35#)
400 M run (backwards)

**first 2 sets of ring push ups were unassisted, last set I used the "backpack"
**rowed 400m instead of running, due to knee injury


June 14, 2010

 3 Rounds for time of:
30 Wall Balls, 20lbs
30 Hang Squat Snatch, 75lbs

**I did 10lb wall balls & 35lb hang squat snatches.


June 13, 2010


Sunday, June 13, 2010

June 12, 2010


Complete 32 intervals of 20 seconds of work followed by ten seconds of rest where the first 8 intervals are box jumps, the second 8 intervals are push-ups, the third 8 intervals are sit-ups, and finally, the last 8 intervals are over-head squats. There is no rest between exercises.

**31 (9, 4, 5, 13)

June 11, 2010


**Took today off to see how my knee was feeling after yesterday's WOD. Knee felt a little sore this morning so I iced it. Feeling great now!

June 10, 2010

3 sets for max weight completed in pounds in 10 min:
Snatch Grip Deadlift x 1
Snatch x 1
OHS x 1
Squat Snatch x 1

Note:  Once you pick a weight and start, you may go up in weight on the next 2 sets, but not down in weight at anytime.

**PVC, 35#, 55#

<>I hadn't done a WOD in almost 4 weeks, after spraining my left LCL doing tuck jumps. Started out slowly using PVC only and then moved up to a 35lb women's oly bar, then added 10lbs to each side, for a total of 55lbs.

Crossfit by Overload!

When we made the big move, leaving San Diego (and ridiculous rent) behind, we made a pact: We would join a Crossfit Box and not look back. No more CF WOD's at the globo gym.

We signed up on Thursday, June 10th and will never look back--we drank the CF Kool Aid long ago, but now, we're addicted to the atmosphere of a box.